Friday, July 23, 2010


Well, the last effort was a bust. I've just gotten home from the cottage and I'm now heavier than I have been before.

Back on the wagon today...did really well food-wise, no exercise yet. And I'm up at 3:00 am because I'm STARVING.

Things are off to a great start.

Friday, March 19, 2010

I was right

Day 3
Workout time - still to do, but know I will do it. Aiming for 30 min.

I knew I'd have a hard time last night stopping the munchies. I did really well, but gave in at 9:30 p.m. and hopped into bed with a bowl of chips. They were oh so yummy - and I was bloated this morning. I also took last night off of exercise. Three days of working out, with one day off - not a bad schedule.

I'm going to workout tonight, doing the next day in the 30-day workout. I'm actually looking forward to it. Also hoping to get a lot of work done. Only 3 days left of March Break and more than 3 days of work left to do.

Also thinking about getting Jillian's 30-day shred DVD. I've heard lots of good things about it. Should check out the price.

I'll be weighing myself tomorrow morning. Once a week, Saturday mornings. I'm really hoping I'm down to about 155. I'm also heading into interviews in the next two weeks - so lots of stress and want to feel as good as I can about myself. I think I should do my nails tonight too...and booked a hair appointment for Saturday morning. Doing all I can to keep motivated and feeling good about myself!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day 2 and I'm in pain

Yesterday workout time - 25 minutes on Wii Active 30 Day workout

Actually, I've worked out the last 3 days in a row...and I'm officially in pain. My calves are killing me. They feel so tight - I'm sure I didn't stretch enough yesterday and I'm paying the price today.

I actually did ok with my points yesterday (25 points, should have had 21 - so used 4 flex points). And today I'm doing really well - think I've used 22 points (therefore used 1 flex point). I'm not counting my exercise points. I figure I want to use those to help take off the weight more, so I'm not adding them to my daily points total.

My biggest struggle right now is to stop eating anything after 6pm. By the time I sit down to do work, I just want to snack. I get the munchies...BAD. I'm going to try to drink water and chew gum tonight when I get the urge to eat - it's already past 6pm so I'm past the cutoff time. No more snacking tonight!

Not sure if I'll exercise tonight. I really should take a day off, especially after working out 3 days in a row. But I did get AF today, so working out might be a good thing - just aerobic exercise. I find it helps with the bloating and makes AF leave faster. I'll see what time R gets home and see if he'll look after the kids for me while I work out.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

And So It Begins....

Day 1 of a lifestyle change.
Weight - honestly I don't want to know.

I've got to do something. This weight is killing me - almost literally. I'm not THAT overweight, I've been heavier. But once I hit the 150s, I get horrible migraines and my blood pressure goes higher. I did get down to my all time low of 142 lbs. when I was on WW (hit my goal weight in Dec. 2007 - ironically when the twins were only 9 months old). And I had bought a whole new wardrobe then - which no longer fits me. I had to buy 'fat' dress pants because I ended up splitting my other skinny pants this past Decemeber.

Enough is enough. I've got to change.

But I've got to do it on my own now. I can't afford WW (either the money or the time for meetings) and I already know what to do, I just need to do it. So I'm hoping this blog will help keep me accountable and get my butt in gear!!

I'll weigh myself tomorrow and post my actual weight then. Until then, I'm guessing it's about 159 lbs. Yikes.